A well-balanced, prepared, and organized team is at the center of any successful Audit.
The following tools will help you think about how to assemble a team with a solid mix of perspectives and skills.
Forming the Audit Team: Things to Think About
Tips for Positive Community Engagement
Audit Team Skills Assessment
In recruiting team members, be prepared to answer questions about the Audit Process, as well as what their involvement might look like, and the time required.
Audit Team Job Description Template – Intensive
Audit Team Job Description Template – Extended
It is critical that Audit Team members approach the work with a spirit of curiosity and respect, with a positive “Audit attitude.”
Provide a copy to each team member and emphasize proper etiquette throughout your work together.
Audit Etiquette
Audit Team Sample Working Agreement
A key part of preparing the team is making available to them background information about relevant laws and policies, each agency’s case processing flow chart, blank forms, team member name and contact information, agency locations and directions, and schedules.
This material is assembled in a “site book” or “briefing book.” The contents vary depending on the Audit scope and question. You will need to identify and collect the laws, policies, forms, and other material for the site book.
Audit Team Site Book Purpose and Contents
Who is in Your Community? Demographic Data Chart
Agency Statistical Data Gathering Template
Sample Policy and Forms Checklist
Sample Regulatory Texts Checklist
Before you choose an Audit schedule and timeline, plan ahead for the types of data that need to be collected relative to the Audit question or area of assessment.
While not comprehensive, the following tool will help you plan where to observe work practices, who to interview, and what texts to analyze.
Data Collection Planning Worksheet and Samples
Deciding upon a timeline and structure for completing activities in an Audit is a crucial step and is dependent upon your community’s ability to dedicate time and attention.
Communities typically use one of two approaches: an intensive week of data collection, debriefing, and preliminary development of gap statements or an extended data collection period conducted over a period of weeks or months. The following documents provide sample structures for data collection task assignments under either timeline.
Sample Data Collection Assignments – Intensive
Sample Data Collection Assignments – Extended
Those who will be observed or interviewed by the team may be unfamiliar with the Audit.
Create a customized version of this information sheet that is specific to your project. Ask Audit team members to leave a copy with practitioners who have been selected for interviews and observations. This tool can also be used for providing information to other community members about the work of the Audit team.
Audit Informational Sheet Template
The culmination of your team’s work is articulating specific recommendations for improving the way your system responds to gender-based violence.
No matter the format your final report takes—be it an informal working document or a formal publication—facilitating a process of bringing together everything you have learned requires tact, organization, and attention to detail. These supportive documents are resources for this process.
Audit Team Debriefing Notes Template
Final Audit Team Debriefing Meeting – Sample Agenda #1
Final Audit Team Debriefing Meeting – Sample Agenda #2
Final Audit Team Debriefing Worksheet
Findings At-a-Glance Template
Sample Findings At-a-Glance