Phase 4 is the process of making the Blueprint real in everyday practice. It helps institutionalize and sustain the Blueprint once the policy adaptations have been approved. Blueprint policies are integrated into each agency’s practice via new and revised administrative practices, such as new report formats, checklists, forms, and supervisory review. An interagency communication strategy is established to share information about risk, history, context, and severity of violence. Agencies participate in events that officially launch the Blueprint as the new way of working together in response to battering and other domestic violence crimes. Training occurs as needed for individual agencies. Interagency training reinforces the Blueprint as a unified policy and practice. The Blueprint coordinator and adaptation team design a monitoring plan specific to individual agencies and to the collective response. Community-based advocates and law enforcement agencies establish the Blueprint’s advocacy-initiated response to victims.
A Blueprint implementation team and the coordinator have key roles in managing Phase 4 and ensuring that the collective Blueprint policy is meeting its intended goals and function. The adaptation team transitions to an implementation team that includes the Blueprint coordinator and advocate, a designated Blueprint agency liaison from each criminal legal system agency, and other practitioners, community-based advocates, and representatives from organizations working on behalf of marginalized communities. In most communities, members of the implementation team are likely to have participated in the assessment and adaptation phases. The implementation team convenes ad hoc work groups and invites others to participate as needed. While established in Phase 4, the implementation team continues on to conduct the ongoing monitoring and assessment needed to maintain the Blueprint into the future. Agency supervisors, some of whom may have involved in earlier phases, work the coordinator and agency liaisons to become familiar with their role in monitoring the new Blueprint policy and practice.
Tasks & Tools
The Blueprint coordinator sets the stage for implementation from the beginning of the process, back in Phase 1, by determining each agency’s policy and training development process and incorporating any necessary steps and due dates into the overall plan. An implementation plan template guides the Blueprint coordinator, agency liaisons, and designated work groups through the key steps. The monitoring chart provides a foundation for identifying key activities and establishing a timeline for instituting both internal and interagency monitoring.
View and download the Phase 4 – Key Tasks, Tools and People chart highlighting the major tasks, listed below, involved in the phase of implementation, the tools introduced or useful at each step, and the key players involved. The key people who will carry out the Phase 4 tasks include: The Blueprint Coordinator, the Blueprint Advocate, the Implementation Team, agency liaisons, supervisors and directors, ad hoc work groups, and Blueprint champions.
Phase 4 Key Tasks
- Transition the adaptation team to an implementation team that will put the local Blueprint into practice.
- Plan and initiate the administrative practices necessary to implement Blueprint policy, such as new documentation procedures, forms, checklists, database revisions, etc.
- Promote a Blueprint-informed Advocacy-Initiated Response.
- Launch the Blueprint with specific events that announce the implementation and convey the meaning and intent of the Blueprint (i.e., what the Blueprint will address and how).
- Conduct training: (1) internal and (2) interagency.
- Design monitoring activities: (1) internal and (2) interagency.
- Ensure that the Blueprint is “institutionalized” (i.e., integrated into agency policy, protocol, & practice; personnel trained and supervised).
- Keep the experiences of victims of battering visible and central throughout the implementation processes.
- Use community consultations to help guide the implementation, with specific attention to communities that are overrepresented and/or underserved communities seeking help from the criminal legal system.
Phase 4 Tools
The coordinator and implementation team continue to utilize tools introduced in the previous phases, such as the agency tracking checklist, timeline, strategies to move forward, and community consultation guidelines. The tools referenced in Phase 4 are listed below and can also be located in the Appendix section of the Guide:
7. Community Consultation in the Blueprint
11. Foundations of Effective Intervention
14. Blueprint Advocate Role, Responsibilities and Skills
23. Presentation Template: Becoming a Blueprint Community
24. Launch and Interagency Training Planning Checklist
25. Launch & Interagency Training Presentation Template
26. Agency Implementation Plan Template (editable)
27. Blueprint Monitoring – Key Activities Grid
28. Implementing the Blueprint for Safety: Supervisory Roles and Responsibilities
30. Agency Training Slide Presentation Template: 911
31. Agency Training Slide Presentation Template: Patrol