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E-Newsletter on Reforming Criminal Justices Responses to BatteringĀ 

The Blueprint Bulletin provides you with tools to support your work. Each issue features information about Blueprint foundations, updates on Blueprint communities, and ideas about how to identify and address disparate outcomes.

Praxis can advise you on the adaptation and implementation of the Blueprint and/or to assist you in using aspects of the Blueprint response in your community. Access our Blueprint Clearinghouse to learn more about Blueprint training, consulting, information, strategies, and research.Ā 

Support to Enhance Your CCR and Strengthen Your Advocacy
Building and Sustaining an Effective Response to Domestic Violence Crimes: The Blueprint for Safety Saint Paul 8 Years Later
Upcoming Training

null=""Ā Support to Enhance Your CCR and Strengthen Your Advocacy

Office on Violence Against Women 2019 Rural, Tribal, and Improving Criminal Justice Response solicitations are now open! These funding sources support communities that wish to establish and/or enhance your coordinated community responses (CCR) to violence against women. Consider including implementation of The Blueprint for Safety ā€“ a fully articulated CCR ā€“ in your community’s application. The Blueprint for Safety is an effective plan to enhance your CCR to stop violence, reduce harm, and save lives. Originally developed and implemented in St. Paul, Minnesota, read more here about how The Blueprint is being implemented in communities across the country.

null=""Ā Building and Sustaining an Effective Response to Domestic Violence Crimes: The Blueprint for Safety Saint Paul 8 Years LaterĀ Ā St. Paul, MN Capitol aerial view photo

In January 2019, Praxis hosted a webinar with practitioners who have been a part of sustaining and enhancing the St. Paul Blueprint for Safety for the last eight years. The local advocacy program, city, county officials, and Praxis collaborated to develop new ways of engaging with one another and, more importantly, with victims of violence. The Blueprint has been adapted and implemented in several other jurisdictions across the country, but St. Paul, as the originator and the longest practicing Blueprint community, stands out as a site where practices in the Blueprint have become almost second nature. This webinar featured local criminal justice practitioners and advocates talking about how they were able to institutionalize this ground-breaking work and the difference it’s made in their community.Ā Watch this webinar.Ā 

Praxis can help you explore whether your community is ready for the Blueprint. Check out the following key resources or email us for individual consultation:

null=""Ā Upcoming Training

Community Assessment Institute
April 30 – May 3, 2019
St. Paul, Minnesota

This institute sets the foundation for adaptation and implementation of the Blueprint for Safety by teaching about how to analyze the criminal legal system to learn if its structure either meet the needs of, or produce negative outcomes for, survivors of gender-based violence. The institute will provide hands-on demonstration for how to apply the Praxis Institutional Analysis method and produce a road map for institutional change. The practical methods, skills, and strategies taught are considered best practices to problem-solving, collaboration and maintenance, all of which are core to the Blueprint for Safety. Participants will talk with survivors about their experiences, talk with and observe St. Paul Blueprint for Safety practitioners at work and learn how to enhance safety and well-being for survivors and accountability of offenders.

Blueprint for Safety Team

This project was supported by Grant No. 2015-TA-AX-K032 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions and recommendations expressed here are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Justice.