Praxis can work with your organization individually on specific problems, organize a private consultation session with a group of practitioners in your community, conduct a networking call for a small group of grantees working on a similar project, provide sample policies or materials to help you in your work. This support is free to grantees and is an economical way for multiple practitioners to receive advice, support, and training without significant travel and expense.
Audio Conference Consultations — Can We Talk?
Praxis can help organize a conference-call between your program staff, community partners, and expert consultants on topics tailored to meet your needs. Rural communities have received help in such areas as:
- Developing a child advocacy program
- Maximizing your Coordinated Community Response (CCR) to create systems change
- Incorporating the voices of battered women into policy, curriculum development and program evaluation
On-site Consultations
Praxis can come directly to your community to assist with collaborative partner meetings, policy development sessions, local practitioner training, etc. Pre- and post-site visit support through phone and email by Praxis staff and consultants will help shape the consultation and implement recommendations. Rural communities have received on-site TA to help:
- Overcome barriers to collaboration
- Create working agreements between local advocacy programs and law enforcement
- How to address women’s use of force within their CCR
Video Conference Consultations
Your program staff and/or multidisciplinary team can receive training/consultation through an interactive video conference specific to your local issues. Praxis helps you identify facilities in your area to host the video conference in which domestic violence experts “meet” with your group on your specific issues. Rural communities have received customized training on issues such as:
- Bringing together the local domestic violence coordinating council in a planning/strategy session to enhance policy and practice
- Creating public awareness campaigns
- Working through local opposition
Contact Praxis if you’d like more information about any of these consultation options; email