Welcome, rural grantees! Since 1998, Praxis has been providing training, technical assistance (TA) and networking opportunities to rural communities funded by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.


Rural Granetees

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fieldsYou are a rural grantee if your community gets grant funds from the Rural Program of the federal Office on Violence Against Women (OVW). Praxis provides technical assistance to those rural grantees; we currently work with115 rural organizations across the country including tribes and territories.

Rural grantees are working to implement strategies to protect women and their children who live in diverse locations such as small towns, migrant camps, pueblos, reservations, ranches, mining areas, fishing villages,
and farming communities. Some grantees operate in extremely remote areas, some in rural cities, and others are implementing regional or statewide projects. Grantees are a mix of nonprofit advocacy programs, tribal and state governments, law enforcement and prosecution agencies, child protection and other social service agencies, and statewide coalitions and organizations. Projects have been funded to develop or implement advocacy programs, safe shelters, criminal/civil justice coordinated community responses, advocacy and child protection collaborations, public awareness/prevention activities, law enforcement and prosecution projects, and programs that reach specific communities.

Read more about rural grantees and their successes and challenges in addressing violence against women in our recent rural TA needs assessment: