The Blueprint for Safety Practitioner’s Guide to Risk and Danger
The following is an abbreviated list of factors related to risk and danger in domestic violence. Most of the research is based on violence toward women, which reflects the majority of domestic violence cases coming into the criminal justice system. The presence of these indicators suggests that one of the following outcomes is likely without effective intervention: the violence will (1) continue, (2) escalate, and/or (3) become lethal. Practitionersshould not assume that the Guide to Risk and Danger lists every possible risk marker for continued violence or lethality. Instead, the Guide uses key categories of risk to identify the indicators of severe violence or lethality.
The Blueprint for Safety Training Memo on Risk and Dangerousness
The following memo can be used as a training tool or issues-brief to orient any practitioner in the criminal legal system on how to understand risk and danger in cases involving battering.
The Blueprint for Safety Police Patrol Report Writing Checklist and Pocket Card
The following is a tool for patrol officers that supports documentation of risk, danger, history, and context and key investigation elements for responding to domestic violence-related cases.
The Blueprint for Safety Checklist for Follow-up Investigations and Expanded Attention to Risk in Battering Cases
Danger Assessment
The Danger Assessment is an instrument that helps to determine the level of danger an abused woman has of being killed by her intimate partner. The tool was originally developed by Jacquelyn Campbell (1986) with consultation and content validity support from battered women, shelter workers, law enforcement officials, and other clinical experts on battering.
The Maryland Lethality Assessment Project
The Lethality Assessment Program is a two-pronged intervention process that features a research-based lethality screening tool and an accompanying protocol referral that provides direction for law enforcement, medical personnel, clergy, social workers and others to initiate appropriate action based on the results of the screening process.