Audio Recordings

Between April 2004 and February 2010, Praxis presented many audio conference trainings that addressed aspects of visitation program design and services. Recordings of these events are included here. Materials referred to in the presentation accompany some of the recordings.

Past video training recordings are also available for on-line streaming or downloading.


Click on links below for on-line streaming. To download recordings or binders, right click any of the hyperlinks below, then select “save link as” to save to your own local hard drive.

Strengthening Staff Skills: Engaging with Men, Women and Children in Supervised Visitation Centers, February/March 2010

Part 1: De-Escalation and Conflict Management
Tracee Parker and Beth McNamara

 Listen to recording
 Download binder

Part 2: Listening and Engaging in Dialogue
Melissa Scaia

 Listen to recording
 Download binder

Part 3: Decision Making in Supervised Visitation Center
Valli Kalei Kanuha, Jennifer Rose and Beth McNamara

 Listen to recording
 Download binder


Documentation, Record-Keeping and Confidentiality in Supervised Visitation Centers

Jane Sadusky, November 2009

 Listen to recording
 Download binder
 Follow-up resource


Enhancing Our Work with Men Who Use Violence

July 2009
Part 1: Engaging without Collusion
Laura Connelly, Jennifer Rose, and Beth McNamara

 Listen to recording
 Download binder

Part 2: Dealing with Problematic Behavior
Scott Hampton and Beth McNamara

 Listen to recording
 Download binder

Part 3: Culture and Our Work with Men
Juan Carlos Arean and Jennifer Rose
 Listen to recording
 Download binder

 Resources referenced during series


Crafting Visitation Center Policies that Account for Battering

Ellen Pence, Maureen Sheeran, and Jane Sadusky, March 2009

Part 1: Successful Policy Development
 Listen to recording
 Download binder

Part 2: The Architecture of a Good Policy

 Listen to recording
 Download binder

Part 3: Fatal Flaws and Remedies in Writing Policies

 Listen to recording
 Download binder


Issues in Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange: Building a Foundation for Safety

Ellen Pence and Beth McNamara, August 2008
 Listen to recording


Working to Enhance Legal Service Resources

Sarah Buel, January 2008

 Listen to recording
 Download binder


Advocacy and Supervised Visitation Services

Ellen Pence, December 2007

 Listen to recording


Advocacy in the Context of Supervised Visitation Services

Ellen Pence, August 2007

 Listen to recording


Documentation Dilemmas

Jane Sadusky, April 2007

 Listen to recording


Neutrality and Impartiality

Ellen Pence and Laura Connelly, April 2007

 Listen to recording

Safety During Post-Separation

Loretta Frederick, February 2007

 Listen to recording


The Intersection of Battering and Child Sexual Abuse

Karen Oehme and Scott Hampton, December 2006

 Listen to recording


The Co-Occurrence of Domestic Violence and Child Sexual Abuse: Implications for Supervised Visitation and Exchange Programs

Karen Oehme, December 2006

 Listen to recording


Intimate Partner Sexual Violence

Part 1: Addressing the Needs of Victims
Sarah Heuser, October 2006

 Listen to recording

Part 2: Exploring Court Responses
Judith Berman, October 2006

 Listen to recording


Part 1: Battered Women’s Experience of Visitation and Exchange Centers

Ellen Pence and a panel of women who used visitation centers, May 2006

Listen to recording

Part 2: Developing a Women’s Advisory Board

Coral McDonnell and Ellen Pence, May 2006

Listen to recording

Part 3: Focus Groups with Women

Jane Sadusky, May 2006

Listen to recording


Making a Center Language-Accessible

Julia Perilla, March 2006

Listen to recording

Using Interpreters: Grantee Experiences

Tracee Parker and Chandra Yoder, March 2006

Listen to recording


Part 1: Consulting Committees: Organizing for Success

Ellen Pence, February 2005

Listen to recording

Part 2: Making the Best Use of Consulting Committees

Ellen Pence

Listen to recording

Part 3: Being Concrete: Practical Tools for Building Community Collaborations

Ellen Pence

Listen to recording


It is in Their Culture: Engaging Cultural Differences in the Context of Domestic Violence

Sujata Warrier, April 2004

 Listen to recording


Video Recordings

Click on links below for on-line streaming. To download recordings, right click the hyperlinks below, then select “save link as” to save to your own local hard drive.

Victims at the Center: Developing a Safety-Centered Approach to Working with Victims of Battering

Ellen Pence, Sheila Hankins, and Jennifer Rose, December 2007

 Video recording

Behind Closed Doors series

July 2007

Part 1: Collaboration and Services that Make Violence Visible

Ellen Pence and Scott Hampton

 Video recording

Part 2: Collaboration and Services that Address the Specific Experiences of Children

Jay Silverman and Barbara Hart

 Video recording


Guiding Philosophies in Supervised Visitation: How Are We Keeping Adult and Child Victims Safe?

Ellen Pence, June 2006

 Video recording


Part 1: Men, Fathering, Domestic Violence and Culture

Juan Carlson Arean, August 2004
 Video recording

Part 2: Differences Between Court Systems and the Implications for Visitation Centers

Loretta Frederick

 Video recording

Part 3: Advocating for Women in Custody and Visitation

Loretta Frederick

Video recording


Renewing Hope, Restoring Dignity series

July 2004

Part 1: Lundy Bancroft
 Video recording

Part 2: Betsy McAlister-Groves and Oliver Williams
Video recording