Developed by the City of Saint Paul, Praxis International, and the Saint Paul Domestic Abuse Intervention Project, the Blueprint for Safety is an innovative approach in criminal justice intervention to protect victims of battering and end intimate partner violence. It is a comprehensive response to domestic violence crimes, based on thirty years of community practice and researchFY2017 solicitations from the U.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence Against women will support development of the Blueprint in up to ten communities.

“Across the country, we have learned the hard way that great harm and tragedy can occur when criminal justice agencies do not coordinate their interventions on multiple levels of information gathering and sharing or do not use sound intervention approaches. The criminal justice system has the ultimate obligation to keep communities safe, yet its sheer size and complicated structure can prevent domestic violence cases from being handled as effectively as they could be. The Blueprint changes this.”

Bea Hanson, Principal Deputy Director, Office on Violence Against Women – Remarks delivered at launch of New Orleans Blueprint for Safety, October 21, 2014

Using the Blueprint, a coordinated justice system responds to domestic violence offenses more quickly and effectively, enhancing its capacity to stop violence, reduce harm, and save lives.

The Blueprint:

  • Improves how agencies share information, from 911 operators to police and prosecuting attorneys to courts and probation
  • Ensures risk is properly assessed and responded to at every step
  • Encourages new victim engagement strategies
  • Pays attention to reducing unintended negative impacts on survivors and their communities
  • Creates a new way for agencies to work together to identify problems and find solutions that increase protections for victims

Is your community ready for the Blueprint?

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