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E-Newsletter on Reforming Criminal Justices Responses to Battering

Praxis provides training and consultation for criminal legal system practitioners and community-based advocates to adapt, implement, and monitor the Blueprint for Safety (Blueprint) in their communities. This e-newsletter features information about the foundations of the Blueprint model, what’s happening in Blueprint communities, and information about how Blueprint communities have uncovered disparity of impact. We hope it helps you to succeed in your system reform efforts!

Community Spotlights
Blueprint in the News
Blueprint Communities

null="" Marquette County, Michigan   


Photo of Marquette County Blueprint for Safety launchIn December 2017 Marquette County reached an important milestone in its Blueprint work when it officially launched its Blueprint response. Each criminal justice agency in Marquette County adopted its part of a joint community policy to guide how it would treat domestic violence cases. Eight separate training events were held throughout the week to ensure that all agencies were prepared to implement their Blueprint responses. Mid-week the Marquette Prosecuting Attorney’s Office held a community celebration and press event hosted at Northern Michigan University to announce this achievement. Attendees included representatives from the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, members of 8 participating law enforcement agencies, Harbor House and the Marquette Women’s Center, legislative aides from U.S. Senators Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peterson and many community supporters–despite the fact that the event took place during a snow storm!


Richmond/Madison County, Kentucky   Photo of City of Richmond VA Blueprint for Safety press conference launch, March 2018

The City of Richmond also was able to celebrate the culmination of two-and-a-half years of hard work with its Blueprint launch in March 2018. The Blueprint receives enthusiastic support from the Madison County Attorney’s Office, the Kentucky Commonwealth Attorney’s Office, Richmond Police, Madison County Sheriff, 911/Emergency Communications, jail representatives and probation/pretrial services. Richmond’s launch week also included training of key partner agencies with a community celebration at weeks’ end. Hosted in a beautiful setting at the First Christian Church, the launch celebration included speeches from each agency as well as Richmond Mayor Jim Barnes, Kentucky Attorney General Andy Beshear, and an emotional story by a survivor of domestic violence.


Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City is the newest community to take on Blueprint adaptation. Under a grant to Improve Criminal Justice Responses (ICJR), Kansas City began its preparations to adapt Blueprint late last year. Already well-versed in interagency system reform work following two Safety and Accountability Audits, Kansas City is well-positioned to strengthen their Coordinated Community Response using Blueprint methods and materials. Praxis welcomes the opportunity to work with local partners in this important work.

Praxis offers our congratulations to these two new Blueprint sites on this important achievement!

null="" Blueprint in the News


Marquette County, MI logo Marquette County, MI Blueprint for Safety logo

Marquette County becomes the first jurisdiction in the State of Michigan to adopt the Blueprint

Blueprint for Safety in Marquette County News Clip Image of Marquette County, MI Blueprint for Safety Tool Kit Book
Headshot of Heather Addison Blueprint for Safety Update in Marquette County News Clip
Following the blueprint: Domestic violence program should help those in Madison County, KY Madison County, KY logo
Jennifer Smith photo  Jennifer Smith, Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney says and hard work advocacy make a difference every day in domestic violence cases


null="" Blueprint Communities


St. Paul, MN                     Rice County, MN
Duluth, MN                     Albermarle County, VA
New Orleans, LA                     Marin County, CA
Shelby County, TN                     Blue Earth County, MN
Marquette County, MI                     Winona, MN
Midland County, MI                     Plymouth, MN
Richmond, KY                     Kansas City, MO


The interactive map below represents the communities that have implemented or are currently working to implement the Blueprint in their jurisdictions. We are always interested in learning about communities around the country that are implementing Blueprints. Please contact if you don’t see your community listed here.

null="" Contact us for help and information

Summer 2018

This project was supported by Grant No. 2015-TA-AX-K032 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions and recommendations expressed here are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Justice.