The training materials, written by Ellen Pence, Ph.D., are designed to teach readers to recognize, and account for twelve structural features of institutions that adversely affect the people who have been drawn into institutional processes as “cases” to be “managed”. The focus is specifically on the management of domestic abuse related cases but the concepts and issues discussed can be applied to any social issue processed by the legal or human service systems.
This package is designed for people who want to understand these key institutional features in more depth – in particular, trainers who provide assistance to communities attempting to evaluate and enhance their current institutional responses and systems advocates who are ready for a more advanced and personally challenging course. We have assumed that readers have a high degree of training and advocacy expertise and a shared philosophical orientation to the issues relating to community intervention in domestic abuse cases.
This training course includes a 221 page Problematic Features Workbook, a 176 page Supplemental Materials Manual, and three DVD’s.