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Praxis offers fee-based consulting services for communities planning or implementing system change work using Institutional Analysis.

Praxis staff and consultants have been in the forefront of community organizing to end gender-based violence for over 30 years. Rather than conduct an audit for communities, we consult with you and your community partners examine your own systems, develop your own analysis, and arrive at your own recommendations. Once learned, the same process can then be applied to other agency interventions—both within and outside the area of gender-based violence.

Praxis provides a variety of consulting services through phone, email, video conference, and on-site visits:

  • Project design: articulating the goals of your project, developing a budget and work plan, determining the scope and focus of your project, tailoring the project to accommodate local jurisdictional issues, gaining buy-in from agency leaders, identifying data collection activities to achieve the goal of the project, etc.
  • Assistance to local coordinators: determining the scope of the audit, preliminary mapping, scheduling observations and interviews, selecting text to review, developing an overall plan and timetable, and other strategic planning activities
  • Training the team: overview of Institutional Analysis methods, analyzing text, demonstration interviews and observations, using focus groups, data analysis, developing findings and recommendations, and planning implementation process
  • Text analysis: selection, coding, analysis, and reporting
  • On-site or long-distance support: collecting and analyzing data with your team; facilitating group sessions on findings, recommendations, and implementation; and assisting the team in presenting findings to policy makers
  • Post-audit support: drafting a report and implementation strategies, customizing services to the needs of the community and the scope of the proposed Audit

For more information about our consulting activities and fees, please contact